Monday, September 27, 2010

9.26.10 Mission #13 Hey Supermarket Buddy!

A fat note with lots of encouragement! 
Buddy, YOU are the LIGHT of the world! 

So, I met this young lady at the Stop & Shop at Highland Park, NJ. I saw her couple times and we greeted each other occasionally. The first time I met her, she asked why I looked so tired and I told her, while bagging my stuff, that my church service was long haha. No offense to our pastor. LOL. Her face suddenly brightened up and she told me that she was a Christian and she hasn't been able to go to church in a long time because of her Sunday work schedule. I think I was too tired then to really share her excitement, but after I came home, I realized that I could have encouraged her by, I don't know, sharing a Bible verse or just some positive words. 

I'll call her Ms. O. I went again to Stop & Shop again recently and bumped into her again. She asked what I do. I told her that I try to help people. She said that she does that too! She's studying to be a nurse, but she also said it's not that easy to study and work at the same time. Yeah, it's tough to juggle life. And, once again, she helped me bag my stuff. 

So, now, after coming across Ms. O couple times and knowing that she can use some encouragement, I made this little something something. It was a box of matches that I picked up with a verse from Matthew. Ms. O, YOU are the LIGHT of the WORLD. Let your light shine and bless many people both at the supermarket and also as nurse! 

I wrote a quote from Henri Nouwen, an author and Catholic priest: "The movement from loneliness to solitude, however, is the beginning of any spiritual life because it is the movement from the restless sense to the restful spirit, from the outward-reaching cravings to the inward reaching search, from the fearful clinging to the fearless play." 

We all face loneliness and despair. But, instead of drowning in them the Divine has given us the ability to make them into something fruitful and beautiful. For ourselves. For others. And, for Him. 

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