Monday, September 27, 2010

9.26.10 Mission #13 Hey Supermarket Buddy!

A fat note with lots of encouragement! 
Buddy, YOU are the LIGHT of the world! 

So, I met this young lady at the Stop & Shop at Highland Park, NJ. I saw her couple times and we greeted each other occasionally. The first time I met her, she asked why I looked so tired and I told her, while bagging my stuff, that my church service was long haha. No offense to our pastor. LOL. Her face suddenly brightened up and she told me that she was a Christian and she hasn't been able to go to church in a long time because of her Sunday work schedule. I think I was too tired then to really share her excitement, but after I came home, I realized that I could have encouraged her by, I don't know, sharing a Bible verse or just some positive words. 

I'll call her Ms. O. I went again to Stop & Shop again recently and bumped into her again. She asked what I do. I told her that I try to help people. She said that she does that too! She's studying to be a nurse, but she also said it's not that easy to study and work at the same time. Yeah, it's tough to juggle life. And, once again, she helped me bag my stuff. 

So, now, after coming across Ms. O couple times and knowing that she can use some encouragement, I made this little something something. It was a box of matches that I picked up with a verse from Matthew. Ms. O, YOU are the LIGHT of the WORLD. Let your light shine and bless many people both at the supermarket and also as nurse! 

I wrote a quote from Henri Nouwen, an author and Catholic priest: "The movement from loneliness to solitude, however, is the beginning of any spiritual life because it is the movement from the restless sense to the restful spirit, from the outward-reaching cravings to the inward reaching search, from the fearful clinging to the fearless play." 

We all face loneliness and despair. But, instead of drowning in them the Divine has given us the ability to make them into something fruitful and beautiful. For ourselves. For others. And, for Him. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

9.23.10 Mission #12 An E-Card for a friend!

I took a screen shot! Cool stuff!
So, I heard from an intimate friend that this young man has been grieving with his family after his grandmother's death. I went on CNN to check out this year's heroes ( I came across the story of Narayanan Krishnan, a prominent chef, who made a career change after seeing a fellow Indian man, eating human waste for food. He was convicted to serve the poor and ever since he started his non-profit group, Akshaya Trust, in 2003, he has given out more than 1.2 million meals to India's homeless and destitute. 

"Krishnan said the name Akshaya is Sanskrit for 'undecaying' or 'imperishable,' and was chosen 'to signify [that] human compassion should never decay or perish. ... The spirit of helping others must prevail for ever.' Also, in Hindu mythology, Goddess Annapoorani's 'Akshaya bowl' fed the hungry endlessly, never depleting its resources."

I was so encouraged by this story that I wrote a summary of Krishnan's on the E-Card for the bereaving brother, hoping that he will be reminded of the love and warmth available all around the world. It's my hope that the love he received from his grandmother will transfer on to others as he serves many around him. 

With much love & warmth, 

The Gray Bird 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

09.19.10 Mission # 11 Stress Relief!

Melt Away Stress Lavender & Chamomile Lotion
This gift was not so random. Whenever I think about my pastor, I oftentimes forget that his pains and struggles must also be just as heavy or more so for her, the pastor's wife. And so, though I did not have time to write much on that little note that I scribbled today during church service, I would like to post this poem up for her.

We often hear of Heroes
on the news at night,
How someone went into a fire
To save someone else's life.

But, there's another hero
that we never hear about,
Though Her love and dedication
are never in a doubt.

Often took for granted...
Never glorified,
Still she keeps on going
for the person by her side.

She stands beside him everyday
no matter what ... is thrown their way,
For he was called from above
To spread the message of "GOD'S LOVE".

And just as he was called...
She was hand picked too.
for it takes someone Special
to do what she must do.

And thou he may get the Glory
and he may get the Fame,
She will stand beside him in Love
and Help him just the same.

She's the person he turns to
when he needs a friend,
She will always be there till the
"Glorious End".

I would like to take this moment
to introduce to you,
a LOVELY unsung Hero for whom
GOD hand-picked to spend Her life
as The Pastor's WIFE.

- written by Donna Golden, Georgia, USA

And, there's also something really stress-relieving when I watch this video 
capturing the second largest aquarium  in the world  - please watch!

Yours Truly,
The Gray Bird

Friday, September 17, 2010

09.17.10 - Mission # 10


a classroom where many hours of lonesome studying have been spent

One of my favorite hymns is written by Horatio G. Spafford. This is just the first verse:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

He wrote this hymn after several painful events in his life - the death of his only son, the great Chicago fire which ruined him financially, the death of all four of his daughters after a collision with a sailing ship and when he traveled to meet his grieving wife, he wrote these words as his ship passed near where his daughter had died. 

Peace. So few find it, but I hope that whoever received this mug can find some peace today. :) 

-The Gray Bird 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

09.12.10 Missions #7, 8, 9: Busy Birdy

Oh man, life is catching up. It's been a little busy and I ended up making three deliveries but didn't get a chance to upload the stories/pictures.

Mission #7: passing by a church and figured even Christians need some encouragement. The card was a donation from a local artist supporting a non-profit that provides education materials to developing countries.
Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.
Left it on a church member's car

Mission #8: a friend of mine was going through some "crap" lately. She's a worshipper. I thought I'd encourage her with a note about praise and dropped off a worship CD. This is an unmitigated spontaneous move, but I hope she was encouraged by this night raid.
May worship for the Lord overflow from both your heart and mouth in good AND bad times. Be victorious! 
She has a white car too! 

Mission #9: another person I know recently confessed that she's been struggling. All these unknown people (e.g. men, lawyer, police, etc.) getting involved in her life. It sounded like it was a lot for her. Just to lift her spirit up, I made this little gift and sent it on its way!
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I'll try again tomorrow." - Mary Anne Radmacher 

Happy face bookmarks! 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

09.08.10 - Mission #6 - Newark, NJ

I've always had so many doubts about my career path. Like, "Is this right?," "Am I making the right decision?," and it wasn't until recently that I felt at peace with it... I will be okay, studying. So, I started to wonder how many students feel the same way - especially at a school that requires more time and energy than we have.

I read this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and it encouraged me so much: “Don’t waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it.” 

I cannot dwell on my doubts and fears any more. And, it's truly a blessing, to have this opportunity to study. My problem is that I want to get out there so badly that I have trouble focusing on the work before me. Ah, but I get it.  I literally have to spend myself and give it all I got. 

And so, right before my next class started, I wrote a note of encouragement and the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. I purchased a gift card, because I personally love to read, and I hope whoever found it does too :) 

I actually received an email from her. I hope she doesn't mind that I share it here... but it really made so happy! I was so convinced that the wind blew it away and that it had gone to waste. 

But here it is: 

Dear The Gray Bird,

I found your wonderful card/gift today and I cannot thank you enough! It completely made my day better and I felt so special to have been the lucky recipient. Keep doing what you're doing because I'm sure your gifts will touch everyone!

Oh happy day! :) 

-The Gray Bird

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

08.27.10 - Mission #5 - Laundromat at Palisades Park

I used to enjoy doing my laundry until I no longer had the convenience of owning my own washer & dryer. And so, as it was my first time at a laundromat, I walked into a cheerless and uninhabited setting of cold metal and cheaply scented detergent. 

"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once" - Lillian Dickson
and there I left it.